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First Nation University of Canada – 2010 Fight to Save Our University
Humble Beginnings: How SIFC became a home for Indigenous Knowledge
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Herman Louison: Plant Property Maintenance

Paula Dangle: Librarian, with a student

Rebecca Morris-Hurl: Senior Analyst

Joan Mantee: Payroll Officers

Keaneena Agecoutay: Senior Accounting Officer

Ian Morris: Executive Director Gaming Secretary

Aron Wolvengrey: Head of Indigenous Language arts and Cultures

Cory Gauthier: University Accounts Receivable

Brandy Delorme: Business Student

Paula Dangle: Librarian and Student

Joanna Goodpipe: Assistant Professor, School of Business and Public Administration

Candace Cappo: Student Success Services, Executive Assistant

Trisha Campbell: Biology Student

Lynne Liu: Biology and Chemistry International Student Intern

Justin Easton: Tech Analyst

Shane Keepness: Community Based Program Coordinator

Faye Cote: Assistant Registrar

Trudy Missens Plant and Property Management
Faces Around Campus

An early class at First Nations University of Canada.

An early class at First Nations University

E-12 protest in 1989

A science camp from 2011

AYDLP group

Barb Johnstone in 1980

Bette and Ahab Spence

Dr. Blair Stonechild, Dr. Eber Hampton looking at a design of the current campus.

An international delegation visits FNUniv. Pictured here Del Anaquod.

Elder Isadore Pelletier.

Reba O'Watch and Janelle Mandes work on a radio show for INCA.

SIFC Site Ceremony November 25, 1993